In 2011, the Jajas defined their shared dream as: “We older people want to live in harmony.” They are very serious in working towards that shared dream. “If we go astray, we remind each other, ‘Remember, people, we want to live in harmony.’”
The process that the older persons are using is called the Community Life Competence Process and has been developed by the Constellation. The process puts ownership of issues and solutions in the hands of the people. Visual Development had the opportunity to film this group of people as they tell the story of how they realised that they can contribute to their own well being and that of their community.
With love, care, comfort and respect you live for longer and longer!
My goodness -- I am in tears. This is SO Beautiful. I can't even tell you how powerful this is. Thank you for sharing this. I will be very happy to share and use this to raise awareness. Thank you for making this incredible documentary.
Kristin Bodifort
Constellation Member - USA
Très très inspirant. Cela appelle à la vie, à l'amour, au partage et à la solidarité entre humains. La santé est avant tout une affaire personnelle.
Alfousseyni Sangaré
Coach Compétence Pour la Vie Mali
I am truly enthralled by the laughter and dancing hearts of our Jajas! I am grateful to them for bringing a little dance and laughter to our causes. Life is not a serious thing to be dragged, it must be lived as a dance.
Sohail Bawani
Constellation Member - Pakistan
For me the biggest joy is seeing Agnes. I met her in one of the first CLCP workshops. Her health was poor and she was fragile. But she came to the workshop because she wanted to. Now I see a strong and healthy lady!
Francien Scholten
Constellation Member - Introduced CLCP in Uganda 2011
I am pleased to see that my continent, Africa, has been presented in a positive and touching way; to show that there are also good things happening in an African country and that happiness can be a simple life, full of joy and ``living well together`` makes me particularly proud and truly happy. It is also a feeling of reconnection with my origins because when we arrived in France we ``forgot where we came from`` and when we return to Africa, we no longer feel a part of the country. ``
Anne-Denise Dao
Staff member of PTCE - France
«They are retired but not tired», C’est une leçon pour nous de ne pas sous-estimé les personnes âgées. Quand nous écrivons nos projets, nous devons arrêter de penser que les personnes ne peuvent pas faire ceci ou cela mais au contraire comme déjà dit, qu’il faut donner le power et de permettre aux personnes de faire ce qu’ils peuvent. Peut qu’il faut penser plus au côté humain, même dans l’investissement, ce que les ONGs devraient faire c’est vraiment travailler sur l’humain comme ça si on a de l’argent ou pas, ça fonctionnera.
Jordan Ramsamy
KRN NGO - Riviere Noire, Mauritius Islands